Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Where does one start here.....today marks 2 weeks since my wife and I separated. She moved out of our apt and moved back home. I admit a part of me misses her, but things happen for a reason. What lead to our separation is what most married couples deal with, however their a twist to our story. You see I am into guys...so I guess you can call me bi (if you have to put a label on it).....mind you I have not had a sexual encounter with a man in 4 yrs (we have been married for 2 yrs). However I decided prior to getting deeply involved with this woman I would be honest with her, so she know what was up! But like I said dealing with married stuff afterwhile took it's toll on us both...and stress is a motha! We had not been sexin it up for months now...and this is our 2nd separation this year. So a brotha is ride has been crazy...LOL! But I take my strength and the ability to go one from our heavenly father....he pushes me and holds me and tells me to go on! No matter what happens I know God is always there for me... I need to trust in him and he will direct my path. I just hope he understands that I did not what to hurt my wife nor use her.....but when you are being beat up on (emotional) you will do things that are out of the norm. So my ride is bumpy at times and it is lonely at times....but I am actually ok with what took place. Like I said things happen for a reason..and if you put your trust in God it will work out to his glory....it hurts but life is pain at times

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